O&W Memorial Prayer

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"O&W Memorial Prayer"

On the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the closing of the O&W Railroad, I was asked to deliver a memorial prayer. Here is that prayer as it was posted on the O&W Railroad Historical Site.

Memorial Prayer 

Presented at the 50th anniversary program of the closing of the O&W Railroad

held at M&NJ Railroad Station Middletown, NY

by Rev. Daniel Hulseapple

           Almighty and Everlasting God, by whose grace and mercy all things were made, by whom mankind was created and made to live through the gift of the breath of life: before you, O God of All, we come with humble hearts and souls.  Through the ages, you have endowed your creation with skills and understanding which have enabled the life which first you bestowed to endure and to continue.  By your mercy, and with your blessing, you have imparted to us ever increasing knowledge so that we could use the ordering of your universe to make our dwelling time upon this earth a time in which to rejoice and be thankful.

          This place in which we gather is such a place from a time not so far back in our past, a time when the power of steam was harnessed to produce the energy of mighty machines whose purpose was to make our lives easier and more productive.  We gather here, to remember those from the past, who lives were dedicated to this industry of railroading.  As pioneers, they sometimes gave their lives in the development of trails and paths into roadways for these mighty giants, which by your blessing, were created by humans hands.  We are here to thank you for the ingenuity of the skills of the craftsmen who built these wonders; we are here to thank you for those who had the ability to drive these marvels, enabling their power to be used for the good of all; we are here to thank you for those whose talents kept these “iron horses” in good repair.      

          But we remember not only those of the past, but also those who yet today labor in this field, continuing to create and maintain these systems for the movement of goods and peoples from place to place.  Only through their unfaltering pursuits of service for others do we share in the pleasure of using these great conveyors of products and people.  Grant to those who have departed this physical world their rewards for faithfulness to you through their talents; keep faithful those who now strive to continue in service with the same fervor as those men and women from days of old; and bless all those who are yet to be, who, in their own time and place, will strive to keep alive that spirit of service to others in providing and maintaining the means of convenient travel along the rails of life.

          Here, O God, in this place, and in this time, we raise up our memories of friends and family who have serve you well, and thank you for the opportunity in sharing life with them.  And when that day comes for each of us to stand in your presence beyond this earthly life, may we receive a kindred welcome, and a fond remembrance, by those we leave behind.

          To you O God, Creator and Sustainer of all life, be the glory, for ever and ever.  Amen.

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